On my walk to school I was looking at the various shops on my 8 minute route to class and I couldn’t help but think it is the perfect place for my family to move!
Antigua Outlet Mall for mi madre
Emanuel’s Farmaceria for all of Chris’ allergy needs
The local Empesario to cater to all of Caroline’s accounting cravings
The scandalous Beauty Salon for Kate (there are only so many applicable stores on the way to school….)
Motorcycles everywhere for Eric for his commute to the city
Video game lounge for me and Chris
A huge mountain/volcano that the girls can use in order to train for their next half-marathon
A nice little park for Dad to do his crossword puzzles at and for Henry to run around for hours in
Many different travel agencies so Mom can book her weekly flight to Phoenix
Lots of school options for Henry to be raised bi-lingual
A nice little bakery for Mom to find Ice Cream Cakes for every occasion.
All sorts of Vehicle options for Kate and Eric's ever growing family? (kidding...)
And last but not least, stray dogs everywhere for Dad to play with!
Here are my attempts to get some video of my new friend. He doesn’t really have a name, but he whistles and talks to himself all day and it is crazy how much he sounds like a person. Obviously he talks in Spanish which makes him way cooler. This is the best I could do for video so far, I am trying to get a better one of him calling for “Mama” when he gets hungry. You can hear it pretty well at the very beginning of the first one.
The bird is an unbelievable whistler, and would have been a great addition at either APT 180 or 863.
Just ignore these if they aren't very good, it was hard to get good video of this guy.
Me and Brian with Jorge our guide
who took the amazing video
All geared up
Sunday is a day where we are on our own for food and we made it a very "American" menu for the day. I spent the whole day with the 2 other Kids Alive missionaries here (Brian and Emily).
Before church we had breakfast at McDonalds (which had an amazing patio overlooking a volcano, fountains, free internet, and plenty of room?), then we went to church at a service that had everything in 2 languages which was pretty cool, but at times hard to follow. After church we met up with another missionary through Kids Alive in Guatemala and a few other people from church and went to Pollo Campero which was definitely on my to-do-list. It is basically a Guatemalan Chick-fil-a and is the most popular restaurant in the country.
We went to the market during the afternoon and I found an internet cafe to "watch" the Bears game, but it was a very choppy connection. That night we spent 3 hours at Subway just talking and hanging out. It was a nice relaxing Sunday.