Just in case you don't get my emails but want some more details! (and if you want to be added to the list let me know!
I feel like it has been forever since my last update and I apologize for the lack of communication lately. A lot has happened in the last month and I thank God for providing such a great situation for me. The people, kids, and other missionaries here are great and I could not be more excited about what God is doing here. There have definitely been some trying moments/adjustments/inconveniences, but I am loving my time here. Quick side note-if anyone has sent me an email and I haven't responded please resend it! I am trying my best to respond to every email, but unfortunately I have been finding out that I am not getting some emails! I don't know what the deal is but when people have resent them they have gotten through fine...thanks!

Alfredo (my boss..) in action at OANSA
I am learning more and more everyday...I was talking with Leandra (in charge of academics at the care center) and we were talking about differences between the different cities within the country. And one thing she said was that people get married when they are much older in Santo Domingo (capital). I thought that was interesting but what was even more interesting was when she said that they get married at 17 or 18 there as opposed to 12,13, or 14 in Constanza! I am still doing my research to find out if this is legitimate but I thought that was pretty crazy!
I am trying to keep my blog updated but it is tough with limited internet access, but there are still some good updates on there including one that explains the difference between the care center and ark! My first month has been amazing and I am so pumped to see what God has in store for the next few years here.
Here are some highlights.

-I have been working in the care center for about 4 weeks now and am really getting settled in. I wake up for the 8am devotional Mon-Thurs with the staff at the care center and really has been a cool time every day to worship God in Spanish (not to mention great practice...) My responsibilities right now include teaching sports/gym classes in the morning and english classes in the afternoon. I have tried to put some good details into my blog so if you're looking for more go there!

Helping some of the younger kids get ready
for an OANSA competition
-A couple days into my time here, Craig went with me to Jarabacoa and we were able to find a good bike and I have since made 2 trips down the mountain to Jarabacoa. I am actually writing this from the Trautweins after our big Thanksgiving celebration! Today was my first solo ride down the mountain and it went very smoothly. I love having the independence to be able to get around town so conveniently yet also being able to take the bike to Jarabacoa.

One of my favorite foods at the Care Center!
Needless to say I was a little surprised when
they showed me what it was....
-My apartment situation has been a bit sticky, but things are coming together. I was supposed to move into my apartment a few weeks ago, but things were slow with building the new house for the family currently in my apartment. I ended up staying with the Rowley's for a week or two longer than expected, and now I am in a temporary apartment in the same property that I will eventually move into in January. It isn't all bad though, the apartment is fully furnished and has ESPN in english complete with american commercials! (jokes on them as it would be very difficult to get to best buy or taco bell....)
-Today has been a HUGE blessing for me. Yesterday was probably my weirdest/toughest day in Constanza knowing that it was Thanksgiving and there was not one mention of it all day! I would bring it up and how important it is to my family and how much I always loved the day and all they knew is that you eat turkey...Thankfully the Trautwein's invited me to a big thanksgiving party with a group from their home church in California. It was such a contrast for me and it completely recharged me and it was nice to enjoy some good food other than rice and beans for once! I also got to visit with the Lanier's (family from missionary training school in Colorado) for the 2nd time! Now that I can make the trip on my own, Jarabacoa will be a nice change of pace from Constanza every once in a while.
-One of the coolest parts of my first month is how fast I was able to really connect and get to know the kids that I am with every day. There are only 22 kids at the Ark which was such a great number and I have a great relationship with all of them and it is never boring around there! The more challenging aspect has been getting to know the 100+ in the care center, but I have been attacking it and I am really starting to build some great relationships there as well. One of my highlights every day is eating lunch with the kids at the center and just talking and spending time with them.

Me with my group for OANSA bible verse memorization.
They are always trying to weasle their way to some
extra points but we have fun!
-Safe Travel throughout the country the next few weeks as I am visiting different sites and coming home to the states Dec 11. I am feeling very comfortable with my motorcycle and to all the moms out there I do wear a helmet when I am traveling to Jarabacoa!
-Comfort and peace as I continue to transition and get used to being so far away from friends and family permanently for 2 years.
-Please continue praying for the kids...every day I learn a little bit more about a child's situation or what they have gone through and they have been through more than we can ever imagine! The great news is that they are all hearing the gospel and really having life-changing experiences through Kids Alive.

Panuelo...hands down the most popular game here.
Kind of like steal the bacon...with a shirt?
-Health...it has been good so far and praying that it stays that way!
-Upcoming trip to Wheaton. Pray for safe travel (again) and some great quality time with friends and family. I also need to shore up a little bit of my support as I have had some unexpected expenses and also some things have been higher than I budgeted. Pray for wisdom for who (and how!) to ask for, and the peace to know that God will provide!
Thank you all so much for you support, I wouldn't be able to do ANY of this without you. I love hearing from everyone so keep the emails coming-
In Christ,

The main room in the care center, where lunch is served
also used for parts of OANSA
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