The last few teams, Craig has really taken me under his wing and taught me so much about making things run smoothly with teams. He has shown me what works and what doesn't, as well as introduced me to the people that I really need to know around town. Through this process he has also really made it clear that these are the things that have worked for the Rowley's, and they may not work for me or I may have to change some things. I have been blessed to have this transition/training time over the past month.
I have really grown close with the Rowley's over my 11 months here, and they have really been an incredible influence on my time here. I will miss them greatly next year, but it is cool to remember that I have the next couple months to enjoy with them here!
With the departure of the Rowley's, my role here will also be changing. During 2011 we are hoping to host roughly 12-13 teams in Constanza and a majority of that responsibility will fall to me. That will include all the transportation, planning, preparation, and hosting of the teams. Craig has also been helping me to understand what needs to be done from the field in order to make the business/accounting side of teams worth smoothly as well (hopefully my business/economics degree will come in handy here!). I will also be running the sponsorship in the Care Center as well as my responsibilities in the Ark with sponsorship.
It is a lot of work, and although I'll be the only Kids Alive missionary in Constanza, I know that I will have plenty of support and help from the other missionaries on the island as well! Please keep me and Kids Alive in your prayers over the next few months of transition over the island as every site has impactful people leaving and will be undergoing transitions.
Over the past month, my feelings have gone from overwhelmed and incapable to confident and prepared. I know that this is strictly a gift from God and that He won't give me anything that I can't handle.
update your blog!